Selling trash

all over the world

Yes, I’m literally selling trash. (At least I’m honest enough to admit it 😊). I’m sure you have questions—many do. Over the years since I started selling this product, I think I have answered them all. Keep reading to find answers to the most frequently asked questions. If not, feel free to get in touch.

gems from the ocean

what is OceanTrash

The items of OceanTrash jewelry you find are truly gems from the ocean. They are however man-made gems and therefore do not belong in the ocean. Fish have no need for such gems, so let’s take them back.

I have been collecting ocean trash for years now, during walks on the beach and during surf sessions. Unfortunately, it can be done all over the planet. If there is a beach, there is trash to find.

I was just trying to do my bit for a cleaner planet. Around 8 to 12 million tons of trash wash up on beaches every year. In an attempt to not only reclaim but also reuse, I created OceanTrash jewelry, customized to start a second life.

for the Ocean

why OceanTrash

90% of all the world’s seabirds are estimated to have plastic in their stomachs. As if this isn’t shocking enough, this could reach 99% if we don’t take action now! Let alone what it does to other marine life. And what about the tons of trash that wash ashore every day? What about fish eating that trash? And what about us eating that fish?

By buying and wearing OceanTrash bracelets, you are not only making it possible to reclaim items from the ocean that do not belong there, but you are also choosing reuse over newly made (and drawing even more resources from Mother Nature).


Product Quality Index


Energy Generation

my mission

the end of my brand

My mission is to turn OceanTrash bracelets into limited edition jewelry. The ultimate dream would be that I won’t be able to make any more bracelets because there simply aren’t any fishing ropes or shipping ropes to be found in the ocean or washed up on beaches. OceanTrash bracelets will never be made from newly made ropes or nets.

are you mad woman?

In some ways, I probably am. But I prefer to think of myself as an artist with a vision. From the moment I started selling OceanTrash, there have not only been questions but many opinions too. And they range from ‘awesome’ to let’s say ‘not so awesome’. The first category, I love that they get what I’m trying to do. The second category, they definitely push me to do better. I have actually encountered people who became quite angry that I dared sell trash. And that if I had the guts to do that, then I should go ahead and at least save the planet.

And I wish I could. But even though I might not be able to, I will give it a try and at the very least, do my bit. So I started selling my OceanTrash bracelets. And the first one I sold made me realize the potential. I figured if I could get these people on board, there must be more that are interested. And if more and more people hear of it and become interested, we could actually, all together, change the tide. Maybe you could help too. Are you willing to pick up trash every once in a while? Would you buy a bracelet, or maybe even two? Would you join our retailers family?

the effort

who is it meant for

OceanTrash is for the Ocean. OceanTrash is for Mother Nature. OceanTrash is for all marine life.

Oh, you meant people?

Yes OceanTrash is for people too.

Which people?

All people!

You may identify as a surfer, you may not. You may identify as an activist for nature, you may not. OceanTrash is for you if you want it to be.

give back

because we can

It’s made from trash, so why pay for it, right? You’re right, I found these perfectly ready-made bracelets just lying on the beach, took them with me, and here I am selling them. Or maybe there is just a bit more effort involved…

Firstly, I clean up the beach with love, taking with me everything I can carry that doesn’t belong there. I bring it with me and start the sorting process. Unfortunately, not everything can be reused. The reusable items are then unraveled, cleaned, and dried. All before I can even start on forming them into bracelets, creating unique and fun items that hopefully people will enjoy.

It would be great if my tools and clasps could be found on the beach, but so far I haven’t been so lucky as to find some. And it turns out that in the Netherlands, even trash is liable for taxes. And last but not least, 1 euro of each bracelet is donated to charity. And we sell some these days. So in my humble opinion I would argue: You are buying so much more than trash.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for supporting. Thank you for caring. Thank you for everything.

